What is the leadership responsibilities of the ‘company’ in your chosen context?
Orchid Consultancy’s leadership responsibilities are mainly concerned with Brand Management as we are advising and directing company/designers to successfully achieve brand awareness and appealing designs.
How will you communicate and act out your leadership responsibilities (as a design led business) to your client base?
Face to face meetings, international tele-conferencing via Skype, E-mails, phones.
(Servant leadership, Hierarchy, skill based)
Titles (Skill based) + Belbin Team Roles – flat hierarchy
Belbin's Team Roles is based on nine team roles, categorized into three groups: Action Oriented, People Oriented, and Thought Oriented. One can use the model within a team to help ensure that necessary team roles are covered, and that you address potential behavioral tensions or weaknesses among team members. This will help to create a more-balanced team. One can also use it to understand your role within a particular team, so that you can develop your strengths and manage your weaknesses as a team member.
How will you behave and act as a leader in the organisation that will be both true to other
members and external context and client base?
Internally: Democratic – Servant leadership – know our roles –
External: Democratic – negotiable – include opinion and suggestions yet make the final call
Through your individual leadership and group (design/business) leadership how will you fulfill your design-led business proposition?
Brainstorming sessions (everyone gives and input, feasibility evaluation). All members contribute with their strengths and skills. Everyone responsible for enhancing and educating themselves in order to meet the needs of the company.